One gets a regular physical examination of their body, probably goes to dentist for teeth cleaning but how many times have you visited your eye doctor? It is important to understand that an eye exam is much more than having an accurate vision or seeing well. Eyes aren’t just window to one’s soul but in fact, they could also reveal several health problems which is why if you are going through some of the below mentioned problems, you need to visit Cheltenham eye clinic right now. Let’s see those reasons as to why you should get an appointment with your eye doctor right now. EYE_SURGEON

  1. Headache
    If you are having frequent headaches then it’s probably time for you to get to your optometrist. A regular eye checkup may turn up a various health issues that is causing your head to pound all the time. In some situations, having an increased screen time or working under an overly bright or too dim light may be the reason for such issues. These are some of the basic reasons for headaches, however, if this is not the case for you then get yourself checked for long sightedness, astigmatism and glaucoma. 
  2. Eye Infections
    Eye infections are probably one of the grossest things you can come across, so if you are someone who has an eye infection brewing, it’s high time you get to the eye doctor as soon as possible. Symptoms of having an eye infection may include discharge coming from eyes, pain, redness, blurred vision, sensitivity to light and twitching. To get over it, one may have to get some eye drops to clear things up. 
  3. Floaters or Bright Flashes
    Little squiggly pieces of dust known as the floaters can often be seen in your eye, which however, is not really a problem. But if suddenly the amount of floaters increase in your eye or are super noticeable, have shadow or bright flashes in your peripheral vision, it could turn out to be something extra serious where you may want to get it checked with your eye doctor as it could be a sign of detached retina. According to various studies, if the above mentioned issue isn’t rectified quickly, it may cause blindness. 
  4. Eye Pain
    A lot of people don’t take painful eye symptoms seriously and subsequently, never do anything about it. Usually the main culprit of having such eye pain is simply dry eyes which can easily be solved by getting eye drop recommended by the eye doctor. But sometimes, having eye pain is not the case of dry eyes, it could either be a scratched cornea, glaucoma, eye cancer or any other injury. For more information, please log on to