Health And Safety At Work

Today, many companies have shifted from being customer centric to employee centric. This is because many companies have realized the value of their employees. If the employee is kept happy and satisfied, automatically the customer will also be kept satisfied. One of the most important aspects of keeping an employee happy and satisfied is to provide an employee with a healthy, secure and safer environment. This has become a policy of many companies, more than being stipulated by law. Here are some tips to take into consideration when maintaining health and safety at work place.

Have policy in placeHealth and safety takes different aspects when it comes to different companies. For example, a forklift rental Melbourne company may have different health and safety issues than from a PR agency. Because of this, the health and safety policy would have to be specific to the organization. It cannot simply be a policy that was downloaded off the internet. If you already don’t have policy, get together with your management team to discuss and put forward a policy. The policy would pretty much express the company’s stand in relation to health and safety of the workforce.

Identify and control hazardsNow that you have health and safety policy, the next step would be to identify these health and safety risks and how they can be controlled. In any organization, if the health and safety hazards are determined only by the management, it would not have a successful health and safety program. In manual handling courses Melbourne, the drivers would know most about the health hazards that they are facing more than the management. Therefore, involvement of the employees is important when it comes to identifying health and safety hazards. It is also best to get the input of the employees when coming up with methodologies to control these health and safety hazards.

Communication There should be definite communication plans when it comes to maintaining a health and safety policy and when identifying health and safety hazards. The communication here should be two way. Once there is two way communication, identification of health and safety hazards become much easier. The staff should be encouraged to report these hazards so that they can be rectified or mitigated in an appropriate manner.

Improve Any system requires continuous improvement. The same can be applied for your health and safety system. The first draft of your plan many not be the most accurate or precise. However, there should be provision for improvement. It is only by improvement that your employees learn more and will be better equipped to be in charge of their own health and safety at workplace.